The novel centers on the need to do the right thing in any where one finds himself. The author enlighten young people on the need to always listen to their parents and avoid negative attitude that might leads to their destruction.

The major protagonist of the novel Barakemi who becomes pregnant at a tender age was force by her parents to move to her grandmother's house. This is because Mr. Abraham who is a religious leader does not want the stigma that comes with the pregnancy.

While Barakemi was at her grandmother's house, she was encouraged  by her grandmother to contact Joseph, the man responsible for her pregnancy. Joseph who is a lawyer came to Lagos where Barakemi was and reconcile with her.

The deceitful nature of human being was also reveal in Save The African Womb, another character name Agnes whose womb was remove met doctor Mitimi who is a corrupt medical doctor. Dr. Mitimi promise to swap the baby of Barakemi at the point of delivery and hand it over to Agnes.

In other to achieve this Dr. Mitimi inject Agnes to make her stomach grow big. On her part she promised to pay the doctor four million naira.Barakemi's father is also part of this conspiracy as he also promised to pay the doctor six million.

After the delivery of Barakemi's son she was informed by the doctor that the has died. Dr. Mitimi then hand over the new baby to Agnes. Davies the husband of Agnes and an oil worker with Agip petrol chemical company in Bayelsa was happy and organize an elaborate ceremony.

Eliza, a nurse in People's Hospital where the swapping was done reported the matter to the police. Agnes together with doctor Mitimi was arrested and sentence to five years imprisonment.

Answer the following questions
1. Which University did Agnes got admission into ?__________

2.__________ are the names of Joseph parents.

3. What is the name of Barakemi son?_______

4. Why did Agnes sent for Barakemi while in the prison?_______


1. Barakemi: she is Agnes biological daughter but she does not know her mother until later in the story. She was adopted by Mr. Abraham and his wife. She has a heart of forgiveness. Even though Joseph hurts her, she was able to forgive him and accepted to marry him. She also forgives Agnes. She likes things to be done the right way. She never supported Abraham's decision that Joseph should not be told about her pregnancy. Barakemi, is an ambitious young lady, she had the dream of studying law because she wants to help the less privileged people.

2. Agnes: She is a young woman married to Prince Davies. They do not have a child. She is the tragic hero of the story. She is disobedient. In spite of her parents warning, she refused to listen. She later leaves home and became wayward. She is heartless and cruel. She abandon her baby on the street. She is a wicked woman, she and Dr. Mitini carefully plans and execute the adoption of barakemi's child with out the knowledge of her husband. She is bold and daring, with boldness, she confronted the police men that came to arrest her.

3.Dr Mitini: he is a schemer. He joins Agnes and Mr Abraham to take Barakemi's son from her. He is greedy, because of money, he accepted to swap the baby of Barakemi's only child. He was offered ten million to make the swapping work.


1. Theme of immorality and it's consequences: Agnes lives a very wayward life. At the end , she suffers a greatly for it. She writes to her only child, Barakemi to advise her against immorality and wayward.

2. Theme of greed: Agnes admits that she get involved in a lot of negative attitude because of money, clothes and other materials items. Also, Dr Mitini acts against his professional ethics  by agreeing to swap Barakemi's baby. He does this because he has been promised huge amount of money.

3.  Theme of childless: Abraham and his wife are childless so, they adopt a girl who was abandoned on the street by her mother. The girl is given the name Barakemi.Also Agnes is unable to have a child . Both Abraham and Agnes plan with Dr Mitini to swap Barakemi's baby.


1. ________ divorces his wife because of deceit and stealing a baby.

2. The irony in the story is ____________

3. In the story, _________ wrote a letter to her daughter.

4. Whose house did Agnes run to when her father drove her away from home?

5. ________ is Agnes friend in prison

6. The judge in the story is __________

7. ________ is the lawyer for both Agnes and Dr Mitini

8. Who did Agnes live with after she was sent out of her husband's house________

9. ________ asked Barakemi and Agnes to do medical test and DNA in the story.

10. Dr Mitini and Agnes were sentence to __________ years in prison.


Racism ! Oh Racism!!
The canker work that eats through the universe
Breeding divide and rule
In the land where Ebony and Ivory
Could live in perfect

Racism! Oh Racism!!
The caterpillar that burrows through
Human skin
Haven't you seen
That people are the same?
And Ebony and Ivory, like good and bad, live sane

Racism! Oh Racism!!
The cancer that is devouring humanity
Lean to live in the harmony we should
Giving each other the surviving need
Living alive in the only universe
With love, peace and harmony
In the kingdom Ebony and Ivory owned.

The poem has three stanzas. A stanza refers to a group of lines in a poem . The poem addresses the problem of racism in the world. Racism refers to the discrimination based on the colour of one skin. The poet suggest that humans should endeavor to break the barrier of racism and live in peace ,love and unity among themselves.

In the first stanza, the poet uses metaphor to compare racism to a cankerworm. Racism destroys the universe just like the cankerworm eat into woods. The effect of racism is that people are divided and this division leads to hatred and war among community and countries.

In the second stanza, the poet uses metaphor to compare racism to caterpillar. Racism destroys people just as the caterpillar destroys plants. The poet state that all humans are the same and should there for live in harmony not withstanding the colour of the skin.

The poet stated in stanza three that racism can destroy human being just as cancer. The poet encouraged people to embrace the spirit of togetherness and live in unity, love and harmony.


1. The danger of racism: The poet observe that racism is like a life threatening disease. The poet encourages people live in peace and love one another.

2. The theme of disunity: the poet observes that racism has caused disunity in the world. Racism create an atmosphere of hate and disunity among people.

3. The need to help one another: The poet uses the poem to advocate the virtue of kindness for one another. The poet appeals to all humans to be ready to help one another in times of need.


1. Symbolism: this is when words or object are used to stand for ideas in the society. Examples of symbols in the poem includes
* Ebony_ this symbolises blacks
*Ivory_ this symbolises whites
* Human skin _ this symbolises those ideas and values that are associated to mankind.

2. Metaphor: This is an indirect comparison without the use of words like as' and like'. Examples of metaphor in the poem includes
* Racism the cankerworm that eats through the universe
* Racism the caterpillar that burrows through human skin

3. Personification: This is giving human attributes to non living things. Examples of personification in the poem includes
* Cancer that is devouring humanity
* Racism breeding divide and rule

4. Apostrophe: This is an address to a non living thing or object as if that object can hear what you are saying. Through out the poem, the poet address racism as if it can hear. Examples includes
* Racism oh! Racism

1. The effect of racism according to the poet is _________

2. One major figure of speech used in the poem is ________

3. Ebony as used in the poem symbolises ______

Racism haven't you seen that people are the same?
4. The figure of speech used in the above expression is ________

5. In the poem racism, the poet encourages humanity to __________


  1. Does anyone know Bishop Abraham ministry

  2. I need help please my people, someone should help answer these questions if you have read the book.
    1) who was the counsel for Agnes and Dr mitini

    2) how long did Abraham stay without a child,

    3) what was barakemis first name before adoption
    4) what happened to dr mitini medical licence,
    5) who maimed Agnes's life at a tender age. 6) who is school drop out in the novel., thank you

  3. What's the name of Barekemi's son

  4. can I get the summary of chapter 2

  5. Please in the book where is the prose work being set

  6. Barakemi vows to go back to school to study

  7. Please can someone say all the characters in save the Africa womb

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It was an interesting story. You can find the full summary of the story and characters here.
    Save the African Womb


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